One of the best manufacturers to get your automation from is Pentair. Pentair has many options and possibilities for your swimming pool. In this blog, I will be going over some of the most popular automation systems they have. Keep on reading to learn more!
What Is Pool Automation?
Pool automation, allows you to connect your pool equipment to one central hub via wifi and a control center. With the power of automation, you can take care of all your pool maintenance tasks with the touch of a button. They make your pool more efficient and make the most difference when you have complex or spread-out pool equipment.
The IntelliSync Pump Control and Monitoring System gives you smart device control of Pentair pumps such as IntelliFlo and SuperFlo Variable Speed Pumps. Through the convenience of the Pentair Home app, this pool pump controller lets you adjust your pump. The IntelliSync can help you save money by varying your pump speed remotely on your smartphone. The Pentair Home app keeps you ahead of maintenance issues with 24/7 equipment monitoring. Alerts can be sent straight to your phone and if you choose you can even get them sent to your trusted pool service professional.
Intended exclusively for swimming pools with a single body of water which means there is no attached spa. IntelliConnect enables two smart connections to any of these Pentair devices: IntelliFlo or IntelliPro Pumps and IntelliChlor or iChlor Sanitizers. Plus, it allows for two relay connections to equipment like pool or landscape lights, pool cleaner booster pumps, or single-speed pumps including competitive models. With IntelliConnect, you can schedule the system for the automatic operation of connected equipment. Additionally, you can make changes remotely to suit your schedule. IntelliConnect takes full advantage of the features of these remarkable, energy-saving pumps through a smart connection.
EasyTouch Pool and Spa Control
The EasyTouch Control System eliminates the inconvenience of trips to your pool equipment pad, memorizing operating sequences, opening and closing valves, and resetting time clocks and thermostats. With push-button operation and clear, intuitive instructions and displays, your EasyTouch system includes all circuitry and fully programmable controls in a single Load Center installed near your pool or spa equipment. This avoids expensive wiring and installation costs to make an EasyTouch system affordable for any budget. This is available in four-function or eight-function systems.
Easily expandable, this system is now powered by AWS cloud technology for improved stability, connectivity, scheduling, and reliable, centralized control for multiple pool devices, from water features to lights to pumps. This system makes pool life as easy as it should be. This is typically installed on brand-new swimming pools. It includes premium features such as built-in, smart device control, a color touch screen, smart alerts that notify owners when equipment needs attention, over-the-air updates, expandability for future equipment upgrades, and more. And the good news for existing owners of Pentair EasyTouch and IntelliTouch Control Systems is that they can upgrade their dated or out-of-service systems and enjoy today’s most advanced automation system, with the simple purchase of an IntelliCenter Upgrade Kit. A built-in prospect base of existing EasyTouch and IntelliTouch owners with out-of-service or outdated systems without smart device control of their pool and/or spa
These systems test sanitizer and pH levels automatically, providing pool owners with real-time water analysis. They’ll know the results of their water balance in an instant, simply by accessing an easy-to-use app and their smart device. It has a single probe that tests Oxidation Reduction Potential (commonly referred to as ORP), pH, and water temperature as water passes through its cell reservoir. ORP is a qualitative measurement of the potential effectiveness of the sanitizer in the pool water to combat bacteria and other contaminants. It’s measured in millivolts. A range between 650-750 mV is ideal for fighting water impurities. Standard test kits measure the amount of sanitizer in the pool water in parts per million. A chlorine reading of 1.0-3.0 ppm is considered in range. However, It does not measure the level of potency to fight waterborne organisms. As chlorine comes in contact with organic materials, its strength is depleted. So, while the chlorine level may still be in range, its oxidizing strength may be insufficient to meet the demand.
If you are looking to buy one of these systems and are not sure which one would best suit you, please contact us so we can direct you in the right direction. With extensive experience in pool repair and maintenance, our experts are here to assist you by walking you through the process of troubleshooting your cleaner. Give us a call at 602-854-9058 or send us an email at