Did you know ePoolSupply offers Wholesale to Industry Professionals?

Did you know ePoolSupply offers Wholesale to Industry Professionals?

Kyle Stringer |

Get Wholesale Swimming Pool Equipment & Supplies From ePoolSupply


ePoolSupply would like to introduce our "Wholesale" accounts! This program is designed to provide our fellow "Industry Professionals" with the same great products we offer to our regular customers but with a little twist. The wholesale account was put into place to provide fellow industry professionals the opportunity to buy our products at a lower price than our regular customers. This will allow them to provide the same pricing to their customers with a little bit of "wiggle" room for those difficult jobs. It will also allow you to purchase the "Top-of-the-Line" products from major manufacturers such as Pentair Manufacturing or A&A In-Floor Systems. With high-quality products comes great success in the industry and we all know it always helps to have another team in your corner. Keep on reading to see how to apply to become one of our wholesale customers!


How To Apply for a Wholesale Account 


Step One

visit www.ePoolSupply.com and stay on the main landing page of the website. 


Step Two

While on the main landing page, look to the upper left-hand side of the website to locate the "Wholesale" link in our blue header. Simply click on the words to guide you to the application. 


Step Three

Start filling out the application at the webpage: https://www.epoolsupply.com/pages/wholesale.

Each page has the information needed to finish the application process. 


Page One

Basic Company Information. The main key that is needed at this step is having a valid tax-id and company information (All fields are required to continue to the next step). 


Page Two

Once your basic information is entered, the next page will ask for more company information. This page is meant for our larger customers that would like to have someone else purchase the items on behalf of the customers. If these fields do not apply to you, simply mark the space as N/A or enter some character into the field to move on to the next page. 


Page Three

This page is crucial to the validity of your company. You will want to make sure to provide at least one reference in the industry with their required information. This can be fellow companies you have worked with in the past or any other distributors you may use. If these items are not filled out, you run the risk of the application not being accepted. 


Step Four

Submission. Once your form is complete, simply click on the submit form to supply the application to our team. Typical lead times for applications are anywhere from 1-2 business days. Once the application is received and entered into our system you will proceed to step five. If you do not receive step 5 within 2 business days, please reach out to our support team (support@epoolsupply.com) for more information. 


Step Five

Setup the Account. If all goes well with your application process you will receive two follow-up emails.


Email One

This email will explain your point of contact for all your Wholesale needs. Because our website is still constantly being updated and adjusted, some items you are looking for may not be available. For this, you will reach out to your point of contact or reach out to our support team for pricing and availability. 


Email Two

This email will be a direct login into the wholesale website. This will be a separate login outside of our traditional website and will take you to a more "archaic" website. This is meant to be a simpler version of our regular website to help the ordering process. 


Step Six

Ordering. Now that you are all set up on the account and ready to order, simply find the item you need and begin the checkout process. As stated before, we do not require a minimum purchase to checkout and your discounts will be applied once you make it into the cart. Again, if you have any questions or concerns regarding an item, price, or quantity, please reach out to your point of contact or our support team for more assistance. 


We appreciate you all reading our new program and hope to begin helping serve our "Industry Professional" as much as possible! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. 


--ePoolSupply Team--