Fact Friday: Which Pool Vacuum is Right for You?

Fact Friday: Which Pool Vacuum is Right for You?

Ben Diefenderfer |

Welcome back to another edition of Fact Friday here at ePoolSupply! Every Friday we like to educate our customers with important information regarding their pool equipment and helpful technical tips to make informed decisions and make pool maintenance easier. Let's dive in!

Why install an automatic pool cleaner?

Keeping the pool clean is an important task, but most people are not always willing to put in the work themselves. This is where automatic pool vacuums come in handy! Automatic cleaners come in many different styles to accommodate all kinds of pool shapes, sizes, and finishes. Here are the four basic style of automatic pool vacuums and their respective advantages:


Robotic Cleaners:

  • Programmed to work independently. 
  • Usually the most expensive out of the four styles.
  • Does not require connection to the pool pump or filtration system.
  • Uses a built in debris filter bag to capture dirt and leaves that must be emptied periodically. 
  • Only requires power from a protected electrical socket. 

Suction Side Cleaners:

  • Most popular and usually more reasonably priced out of the four styles 
  • Requires connection to the pump suction via the pool skimmer or dedicated wall suction port
  • No electricity needed, movement is generated by suction through a series of turbines and gear mechanisms
  • Energy-efficient, but does require the pool filter to capture dirt and debris which will add some wear and tear to the filter

Pressure Cleaner:

  • Opposite of a suction cleaner
  • Usually more expensive than Suction Side Cleaners but not as high as Robotics
  • Uses high-pressure water jets to create a venturi effect which simulates suction to force debris and dirt into the included filter bag
  • Does require its own dedicated pump to maintain optimal pressure and efficiency

Manual Vacuum: 

  • Fairly self-explanatory. Requires you to manually vacuum the pool
  • Adapts to your pool pole as well as a separate hose to connect into the pool skimmer or dedicated wall suction
  • Good to have as a back up in case of emergencies or large clean-ups

Once again, many factors including pool shape, size, and finish all come into play when selecting the ideal automatic pool vacuum. Hopefully, with the information found in this guide, you'll be able to make an educated decision to find the most optimal pool cleaner for your situation. If you have any questions regarding the information found in this blog feel free to reach out to us directly. Our team of Pool Professionals is here to help you through every step of the process. Otherwise, just keep swimming!