How To Prime A Pool Pump

priming a pool pump

Ben Diefenderfer |

We're thrilled to release the first ever Tuesday Troubleshooting Blog from ePoolSupply! Today, we'll guide you through how to prime a pool pump and why priming the pump is important. Let's dive in!

Why Priming Pool Pumps Is Important

If you're new to the pool game, you must know that you should NEVER run your pool pump dry! Pool pumps are meant to move water and thus should always be full of water. Running the pump dry will cause irreversible damage, and can lead to other issues with your pool equipment. It is important to keep the pump free of debris and well lubricated in order to maintain a consistent prime and avoid any future pool pump problems.

5 Simple Steps To Prime A Pool Pump:

  1. Verify that the appropriate suction/return lines are fully open. Generally the best option for suction is from the skimmer due to the naturally close proximity to the pump and filter. If you don't have a valve to divert the suction don't worry, chances are your suction line pulls straight from the skimmer. 
  2. Prior to adding water, identify the drain plug near the bottom of the pump housing and confirm it is well lubricated & hand tight. Also lubricate the o-ring on the pump lid. 
  3. Using a garden hose, begin adding water to the pump. As it fills it will slowly backfill into the suction line. Allow the water to backfill for 2-3 minutes (or until completely full) and then install the pump lid hand tight. 
  4. Turn the pump on. Visually check for the initial surge of water moving through the housing, followed by more water pulling in from the suction line. The extra backfill should provide enough surge to continue feeding the pump with new water. After a minute or so, the pump should be fully primed with ZERO signs of air bubbles. 
  5. The final sign of a complete prime will come when you shut the pump off. At this point the pump should hold and maintain a vacuum seal that keeps the water in the pot. If water is draining from the basket or spraying out a small amount, there is a chance the system has a leak which will need to be addressed accordingly. 

If you have any questions regarding the processes discussed in this guide, feel free to reach out to us directly. Our team of industry professionals is happy to help!