Paramount 6-Port Complete - What's in the Box - 004-302-4184-03

Paramount 6-Port Complete - What's in the Box - 004-302-4184-03

Mackenzie Stripe |

Welcome back, ePoolSupply supporters! In today's blog, I will be going over what comes in the box for the Paramount 6 port complete water valve. I will also be going over the product and I have also attached a video below that shows you what comes in the box. If you want to learn more about this product then keep on reading! 

About the Product 

The Paramount Infloor Pool Cleaning System is uniquely designed for every pool size and shape. Total 360-degree coverage is achieved in 12-18 cycles. 99% guaranteed cleaning coverage leaves the customer with peace of mind. The Water Valve features a convenient pause mode, and water-powered, non-electric design. Paramount's Water Valve controls the systems, allowing for the use of cleaning zones to efficiently clean the entire pool. This system Reduces chemical costs & electrical consumption by up to 30%. It also Eliminates the need for a vacuum device and unsightly hoses. This system will also lower heating costs and has improved circulation. 

The 6-Port valve comes fully assembled with the following items:

What Comes In The Box?

The first thing you will see is the valve bases and the valve top comes together. You can pull that right out. Underneath the valve, you will see the package for the gear module. The whole housing should come completely together and it should be tightly on from the factory. The housing should come with the knock and also the nut. On the lower housing, you will see a big warning sticker and this is letting you know the gauge is on the inside. Once you open up the valve, you will see the gauge is in a box and wrapped with bubble wrap. The pressure gauge will go on the top of the housing where the white little plug is at. On the lower housing, you will see an o-ring and this will keep the housings sealed tightly together. When you open your gear module, it will be completely ready to put it in the lower housing. The gear module should just fall right into place. Now you will be able to put the top housing back on and tighten it together. If you look in the box, it should come with some information about the complete water valve and it should have information about the warranty and how to get that set up. 

Here I have attached a video of our pool professional unboxing the Paramount 6-Port complete water valve and giving you some helpful tips. In this video, we walk you through what comes in the box on a Paramount 6-Port Complete Water Valve. We show you all the tips and tricks needed to install this item. The Paramount In Floor Pool Cleaning System is uniquely designed for every pool size and shape. Total 360-degree coverage is achieved in 12-18 cycles. 99% guaranteed cleaning coverage leaves the customer with peace of mind. If you have any questions please contact us and we can help you the most we can.