Pentair Racer Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Installation Guide

Pentair Racer Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Installation Guide

Catherine Hansen |

Are you one of the many homeowners who have done their research and chosen a Pentair Racer Pressure Side Pool Cleaner (360228)? If so, you likely have some questions regarding the installation process of your brand-new machine. We here at ePoolSupply have provided this blog post as a general guide for you to take a peek at whenever you encounter an installation task you’re not quite certain about. Feel free to take a moment to read through this post, as well as our previous post on the Pentair Racer explaining ‘What’s in the Box?’, to obtain some useful tips, tricks, and ideas to assist you as you install and begin to operate your Pentair Racer Pressure Side Cleaner!

Things to Know Prior to Installation

Cleaner Components

The first thing you want to do is peruse the manual Pentair provides with your cleaner. It provides some invaluable information you will require in order to get your Racer up and running. 

Please know that if you have a vinyl liner in your pool, you must check for signs of deterioration and damage. Should you notice anything, be certain to have it fixed prior to setting up and running your new cleaner. If you have a gunite pool or a pool that is partially filled, please ensure that the finish is in good condition. Repair loose tiles and loose light rings before setting up your cleaner and letting it run in your pool. 

Now you are going to clean your filter system, including backwashing if you have a sand or D.E. filter, rinsing your cartridges if you have a cartridge filter, and emptying all baskets. You will also need to flush any new plumbing lines prior to installation of your new cleaner. 

Prior to installing your Racer, there are a few things you should know, the first being that the cleaner will take approximately 4-6 hours to fully clean your pool (depending on the size of the pool, of course). With that in mind, the Racer does not automatically clean the steps or swimouts of any pool, nor is it built to work underneath a solar cover. Please do not utilize the Racer to perform the initial new pool cleanup or first season cleaning as the debris is likely too large and numerous for the cleaner to handle. 

Once the cleaner is operational, the Racer may require adjustments before each use to ensure vinyl liner patterns are maintained and protected. You will also need to periodically check the Racer’s components and evaluate its performance to ensure the cleaner behaves properly. Be certain to repair or replace worn-out or damaged parts as soon as you notice them. 

There are some other guidelines you will need to follow throughout the lifetime of your Racer cleaner, including remembering to be certain to disconnect the Racer from the pool wall while backwashing your D.E. or sand filter or cleaning your cartridge filter. Once you’ve finished cleaning your filter, allow your filtration system to run for at least five minutes before reconnecting the cleaner to the wall. 

Your Racer cleaner should be removed whenever swimmers are using the pool to avoid damage. Whenever you are handling the Racer, be certain to handle it with care ~ always pick up the cleaner using the handle, especially when removing the Racer from the water. Never handle the cleaner when it is in operation as this could damage the cleaner and potentially cause you harm. Another time the Racer should be removed from the pool is just before chemical shock treatments are added to the water. A good rule of thumb is that if the water is unsuitable for swimming, the water is unsuitable for the cleaner. 


Installing a Wall Fitting and Wall Adapter

Start by disconnecting and removing your existing pool cleaner and wall fitting, then turn on your pool pump and booster pump and flush out your plumbing line. Once that process is complete, go ahead and turn off the pool and booster pumps. You are now ready to insert the wall-fitting adapter into the dedicated 1.5-inch threaded return line. Hand-tighten until snug ~ do not use tools as they may cause breakage. Next you’re going to align the wall fitting with the quick lock pegs inside the wall adapter, then you’ll push the wall fitting into the wall adapter until it bottoms out. Twist one-quarter turn in a clockwise direction in order to lock it, then pull gently outward to engage the quick lock pegs. 

Initiating Water Flow to the Racer

It’s time to start to play with your new Racer! You want to start by turning off both your pool and booster pumps, then you will attach the flow gauge to the wall fitting by aligning the two tabs you see on the flow gauge clockwise until it stops, then give a slight pull away from the wall. Ensure the flow gauge is securely locked in place by turning it counterclockwise and slightly pulling out; it should not turn when locked into place. 

Once that is complete, you can then turn on the pool and booster pumps. From there you’ll want to ensure the white plunger inside the flow gauge is aligned within the gauge. The white plunger should align with the arrows on the flow gauge markings. Next you will move on to adjusting the valve on the wall fitting by using a flathead screwdriver; keep in mind that turning clockwise will reduce the water flow while turning counterclockwise will increase the water flow. 

You’re nearly finished with this portion of the installation process! Go ahead and shut off your booster pump first and then shut off your pool pump; you may then remove the flow gauge from the wall fitting by pushing in and turning it in a counterclockwise direction. You are now ready to attach the hose assembly to the wall fitting by turning clockwise and pushing in one-quarter of a turn in order to secure the hose assembly.  

Calibrating Pentair Racer Cleaner Speed (RPM)

In order to begin the process of calibrating the speed of your cleaner, you will start by turning off both your booster pump and your pool pump, then remove your cleaner from the pool. Once that is done, find a way to mark a spot on the front tire (360237) so that it will be easily visible underwater. You will then need to enlist a friend to assist you by switching on both of your pumps while you hold the cleaner just underneath the surface of the water, taking care to hold the sweep hose so you do not inadvertently get wet as it waves around. 

As you hold the Racer underwater, start a timer for sixty seconds and start counting the number of revolutions the marked tire makes during that time period; this will give you your cleaner’s revolutions per minute (RPM). Make certain your backup valve is not cycling during this time. Once all is said and done, the Racer should be operating at 31-33 RPM with a sweep hose attached; if the Racer does not have a sweep hose installed, 33-36 RPM is standard.  

Adjusting Hose Assembly to Fit Your Pool

Verify that you have all the parts of your hose assembly ~ 3 ten-foot sections: 1 soft light grey lead hose (360265) marked as ‘Section 1’ and 2 stiff dark grey feed hoses (360266) marked as ‘Sections 2 and 3’. 

Now that you have verified that you have all of your hoses, it is time to measure, cut, and assemble the hose sections. You will utilize a pair of sharp scissors or a sharpened knife to cut the hoses to the length required. Be certain to slide the floats (360237) out of the way while cutting, and be sure to cut as straight as you possibly can.

To size hose Section 1 (the light grey lead hose), measure the deepest section of your pool; this is generally where the drain is located. If the depth of your pool is greater than ten feet, do not cut the hose. If the depth of your pool is less than ten feet, you will need to cut the hose. Start by disconnecting the Section 1 hose from the swivel (360329) end and cut the lead hose so that the length is equal to the deepest point in your pool. Once that is complete, go ahead and discard any excess soft grey hose and reconnect the lead hose (Section 1 hose) to the swivel on the feed hose. 

To size hose Sections 2 and 3, start by attaching the hose assembly to the wall fitting and attach the wall fitting to the wall adapter. You should then take the opposite end of the hose assembly and walk to the furthest point of the pool from the wall adapter while taking care not to overstretch the hose ~ keep the hose resting atop the water at all times. You will want to reach that furthest point and then add 6 inches. Measure any excess hose length beyond that; this will let you know where you need to cut.   

Before you make that cut, go ahead and disconnect the feed hose from the wall adapter, then disconnect hose Sections 2 and 3 from the first swivel closest to the wall fitting. You are then ready to make your cuts! 

You will cut one-half total excess total hose length from each hose labeled Sections 2 and 3 (which come assembled with a total of four floats). Both hoses should be of equal length after cutting. If you must cut more than 3 feet from each hose section, be certain to remove 1 float per section. For larger pools which require additional coverage, 10’ hoses may be purchased to supplement what comes with the Racer. When you receive your extra hose, attach it at the wall fitting utilizing the swivel and mender nuts (360329).    

Now that you have cut all of your hoses to fit your pool, reconnect them by pushing the hose end over the barb on the swivel. Be certain to push the hose to the bottom of the barb so the hose is secure. Next you will move the mender nut toward the hose by turning it clockwise, rotating it until it is tight; feel free to use pliers if needed. At this point you will want to check once more that your hose assembly reaches the furthest point from the wall fitting plus 6 inches. Once you have done this, you are ready to connect your Pentair Racer to the hose!  

Assembling & Using Your Racer

So you’re ready to assemble the body of the cleaner! Start by attaching the quick connector (360250) fitting on the end of the hose to the feed tube on the cleaner and engage the snaps. From there you’ll move on to attaching the debris bag by pushing the bag over the vacuum tube (360242) and clicking it into place.    

Congratulations! You’re now ready to use your cleaner. Carefully put the Racer into your pool and turn on your pool pump, leaving it on for sixty seconds to allow air to escape from the hose assembly. You will then turn on the booster pump, and you should be good to go! 

Get Your Pool Equipment at ePoolSupply

Whether you are a new pool owner or have been enjoying your outdoor oasis for many years, you will need to outfit your pool with the best equipment for you and your pool. For over 25 years, ePoolSupply has been the leading supplier of pool equipment and parts. Get everything from cleaners, filters, heaters, and more. We even have a selection of YouTube videos meant to assist you in getting to know and maintaining your Pentair Racer Pressure Side Pool Cleaner.

With extensive experience in pool repair and maintenance, our experts are here to help you through the process of maintaining your Racer cleaner. Give us a call at 602-274-7946 or send us an email at support@epoolsupply.com.