Welcome ePoolSupply supporters! Today I will be going over how to remove and replace the Pentair Racer feed mast. I will be going over a little bit about the product and will also add a picture so you know exactly what you are looking for. At the bottom of the blog, I have also added a YouTube video our pool professional has made to show you how to do this quick fix and give you some tips as well. Keep on reading to learn more about this quick fix!
About The Product
The feed mast kit (360252) is a replacement part that is made by Pentair. Making them genuine OEM products. The feed mast is a very important piece to the Racer and Racer LS and its purpose is to supply the cleaner with the high-pressure water that’s provided via the booster pump. It then disperses this water to all the areas and parts that use it to power and operate the cleaner fast and efficiently cleaning the surfaces and entirety of your pool.
This part is gray and rests behind the (very) large vacuum tube where the debris travels through into the debris bag for disposal. The feed mast also has a quick disconnect for easy removal or attachment of the feed line and it also provides high-pressure water to the sweep hose which agitates the dirt and debris from the corners or steps to be sucked up later when the cleaner passes over the top of it. Also, this is a kit that comes with a few other parts needed for the installation of the mast those parts are the feed tube o-ring and 2 screws that lock the mast into place on the chassis.
How To Remove and Replace
Before you can remove and replace the feed mast, you will need to strip the cleaner down to get to the part. The only tool you will need is a Phillips head screwdriver. The screw you need to look for is located in the crevice on the axle frame next to the feed mast. There will be another screw on the opposite side as well. Once both screws are removed, you should be able to wiggle the feed mast right out. On the feed mast at the top, you will notice there is an o-ring and this will come with the kit. To replace the feed mast, all you have to do is put the o-ring on the new part. Then you can screw in the feed mast, and you are all done.
In this video, we show you how to remove and replace the Feed Mast used and designed for the Pentair Racer and Racer LS pressure-side pool cleaners. The feed mast is a very important piece to the Racer and Racer LS and its purpose is to supply the cleaner with the high-pressure water that’s provided via the booster pump. It then disperses this water to all the areas and parts that use it to power and operate the cleaner fast and efficiently cleaning the surfaces and the entirety of your pool. We provide professional insight along with any useful tips or tricks that may help you during the installation/removal process of this part. If you have any questions or need help please contact us and we can help you to the best of our ability.