Welcome ePoolSupply supporters! I wanted to go over how to remove and replace the Pentair Racer vacuum tube. I will also be going over a little bit about the product and I have also added a picture so you know exactly what you are looking for. I have also put a YouTube video our pool professional has made to show you exactly what you are doing. Keep on reading to learn more!
About The Product
The vacuum tube kit (360242) is a replacement part made by Pentair. Making this a genuine OEM product. This vacuum tube was designed to fit over the mouth-like opening on the bottom of the cleaner. Its purpose is to take the dirt and debris that is collected via the water management system (and vortex that it creates via the venturi jets) and shoot it up through this tube and into the debris bag where it can then be properly disposed of. Without this tube the debris would fly into the internal parts creating disruption and potentially damaging these parts, making them and the cleaner in-operable and ineffective with its cleaning process. This part is gray and can be found in the center of the cleaner directly in front of the feed mast, this makes it easy to locate when trying to troubleshoot an issue or if it needs to be replaced when damaged or worn. Another unique thing you will find out about this part is just how BIG the opening of this tube is, a small hand and arm can fit through this opening with ease, so bigger objects are of no concern for these cleaners.
How To Remove and Replace
The first thing you will need to do is strip the whole cleaner down to the basics. Removing all of the other parts will make removing and replacing the vacuum tube a lot easier. To remove the tube you will need a Phillips head screwdriver. When looking straight down from the top, you will see there are screws located on each side of the tube. You will need to remove those screws after they are removed, the vacuum tube should come right out. You will notice on each side of the tube, there are plastic pieces and these are your venturi jets. To remove these, all you have to do is gently push down and they should come right off. To replace your vacuum tube, first, you will need to slide the venturi jets back on. Then put the vacuum tube back in place and screw it back in.
In this video, we walk you through how to remove and replace the Vacuum Tube designed for the Pentair Racer and Racer LS pressure-side pool cleaners. This vacuum tube was designed to fit over the mouth-like opening on the bottom of the cleaner. Its purpose is to take the dirt and debris that is collected via the water management system (and vortex that it creates via the venturi jets) and shoot it up through this tube and into the debris bag where it can then be properly disposed of. We provide professional insight along with any useful tips or tricks that may help you during the installation/removal process of this part. If you have any questions or need help please contact us and we can help you to the best of our ability.