Hello everyone! I am back with you all today to discuss a particular automatic pool cleaner. Now I know most of you are familiar with us because you have an inground pool with either an in-floor cleaning system or an automatic pool cleaner like the one we will be discussing today however, the cleaner I would like to go over with you all today was designed specifically for above ground pools. This cleaner is manufactured by our friends over at Polaris and they make top-of-the-line pool cleaners designed to tackle stubborn debris.
What is a Pressure-Side Pool Cleaner?
It’s a great topic and one that I think pool owners should consider researching when trying to make an educated decision on what pool cleaner to purchase. Pressure-side pool cleaners will either connect to a dedicated pressure line or on a return outlet located in your pool. Dedicated pressure lines or return outlets are the last part of your pool’s filtration system. After the water runs through the filtration system your pool pump releases this cleansed water back into your pool via the return outlet. Normally pressure side pool cleaners will use water pressure that comes from a booster pump to drive the cleaner around the surfaces of your pool. There are models out there (like the one I’m dedicating this blog to) that can run off a standard return line by making some adjustments to your pool equipment. Regardless of the cleaner being connected to a separate booster pump or standard return line, pressure side pool cleaners use clean treated water to create suction and collect dirt and debris into its filter bag to be disposed of when the bag is full. Not only do pressure cleaners capture debris they loosen other debris so when it is not picked up by the cleaner it enables it to flow out of the pool and into your pool’s natural filtration system.
The Polaris Turbo Turtle!
The power provided for this particular pool cleaner comes from the pressure of clean water returning to your aboveground pool. This model was designed to be suitable for all aboveground pools up to 5 feet deep, it can loosen debris in those hard-to-reach areas and can trap large debris, like leaves and pebbles, in its very own filter bag. This cleaner was made to work in vinyl or fiberglass above-ground pools and can even work with these types of pools with uneven bottoms. The Polaris Turbo Turtle also adds a fun, playful element to your pool experience and allows you to worry about how you will enjoy your time spent in your pool as opposed to how you will be cleaning it.
- Operates with pumps and filtration systems normally found on aboveground pools.
- Vacuums the bottom and sweeps the sides in 3 hours or less.
- Patented jet sweep assembly blows water against the pool floor to loosen debris in hard-to-reach places and then sweeps it into an easy-to-remove filter bag.
- Powered by the pressure of clean water returning to your pool, the cleaner leaves both the filter and skimmer free to eliminate contaminants.
- Unique filter bag removes debris before it reaches your pump basket or filter, prolonging the life of your filtration system.
- Quick and easy installation.
Overall, this cleaner is a great product designed to be durable and clean your pool with power and precision. I hope I provided you with enough information to make an educated decision on whether this product fits your wants and or needs and if not please don’t hesitate to reach out as we are always just a click or a phone call away. On behalf of everyone here at ePoolSupply thank you very much for reading along and keep on swimming!