Price Increases in the Nation

Price Increases in the Nation

Dj Miller |

Hello there, ePoolSupply blog enthusiasts! Coming at you again with yet another important update regarding our beloved pool industry (although we realize this may not be everyone’s favorite type of update). Our industry is always evolving and headed in what we like to believe is a positive direction for not only the builders and service people alike but more importantly you as our customers. Being transparent with our customers is extremely important to us and builds a stronger bond that we believe is virtually unbreakable. This blog will provide information on price increases that may have already taken place or are on the current horizon.

Due to market conditions, multiple companies are making their first ever price increases! Although most of them are small in size, it can make a huge impact down the line to both consumers and industry professionals. These increases span across ALL manufacturers and ALL industries across the nation. 

As the year continues to push forward, we expect to see additional price increases as it seems all products, services and goods alike continue to go up across the board. Let’s not forget about the existing never-before-seen demand, delays, worker shortages and additional safety protocols that have rolled over from years prior, it isn’t hard to see where the prices may rise. Demand has had such a strong stranglehold over the industry that the supply of materials available for production has yet to recover. Still at this point we continue to get updates on pricing along with the general public, so we do not know or have the chance to update our pricing until the information becomes available to the public. In part this means we update our pricing in real time, which can occur from day to day or month to month based on our added costs provided by the manufacturers. With that being said, we are continuously providing exclusive deals, coupons and other opportunities for our customers who frequently shop on our website or in our store. We do our best to run ads and deals before and after any known price changes to allow additional time to purchase before the price is altered or raised.

We hope you find the information in this blog useful even though price increases may be a tough pill to swallow not just for us but more importantly for you as consumers. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly on any questions or concerns you may have as they relate to this matter. Our team of industry professionals are always happy to help you out. From all of us here at ePoolSupply thank you for reading along and keep on swimming!

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