Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Ben Diefenderfer |

We are back today with another edition of Fact Friday. Here at ePoolSupply, every Friday we like to educate our customers with important information regarding their swimming pool and helpful technical tips to make informed, safe decisions. Today we will be discussing the importance of Pool Safety and how it can improve your next pool outing. Let's dive in!


What is Pool Safety?

Pool Safety involves quite a few things actually; ranging from special equipment to regulate chemical distribution, signage and warnings to deter misbehavior or even physical barriers to prevent accidents. 

How can you adopt these preventative measures and practices? Allow us to layout some precautions to guide you toward a safer swimming experience. 

Monitoring pool activity

Above everything else, supervision is the most important aspect of Pool Safety and also one of the easiest ways to prevent injuries and accidents. It is imperative that you pay close attention to children and adults around the pool. 


Take swimming lessons

Before you or anyone enters the pool, ensure that everyone knows how to swim.This goes for adults and children alike, never assume that everyone is a strong swimmer. Studies show that exposure to swimming lessons in infants and toddlers greatly reduces the risk of drowning. Always watch children around water!


Prioritize CPR education

Even though it is a worst-case-scenario situation, it's still important to know what to do if the time comes. There are courses offered by the American Red Cross locally as well as online. Take the time to educate yourself so you are prepared for the worst.


Enforce pool rules

To combat misbehavior, establish and enforce easy to follow rules for your Pool & Patio. Educate children on the importance of walking around the pool rather than running, and the dangers involved with horseplay. 


Put barricades & fences up

Installing a physical barrier around the pool will prevent unwanted entry and help keep your family safe. Pool fences usually feature a gate with a lock & latch located higher up so that younger children will not be able to open it. When the pool is not in use, keep the gate locked for added security. 


Have a first-aid kit handy

In the event on an emergency slip, bump, or bruise, it's important to have a well-furnished first aid kit handy. Make sure that it includes sanitizing agents to kill bacteria, bandages to stop bleeding, as well as instant ice packs for minor sprains. 


Stay safe!

As you can see above, there are many factors that come together encompassing Pool Safety. By using the listed suggestions you can begin to analyze your current safety protocol and make adjustments accordingly. If you have any questions pertaining to the information found in this blog please don't hesitate to contact us directly. Our team of industry professionals is here to help you each step of the way! Just keep swimming!