Hi ePoolsupply supporters and fellow blog enthusiasts! Back here again to share some useful information that comes up quite often in conversations I have with customers on the phone regarding their orders. We have hundreds if not thousands of pool products that we offer on our website at the lowest most available price. However, in recent years due to the Covid-19 pandemic and shortages of materials felt across the board in many industries (not just ours), it has been very difficult for us here at ePoolSupply to keep stock or receive certain products (i.e. Automation systems, pool pumps, heaters, and salt cells) that we order directly from the major manufacturers.
Lead Times Pre-Pandemic:
Normal lead times pre-pandemic (when referring to the major manufacturers like Pentair, Caretaker, Hayward) were consistent with 30 days (local manufacturers like A&A and Blue Square are still seeing lead times of 3 days to a week).
Lead Times Post-Pandemic:
They have since ballooned to 6+ months and in some cases, even a year just to give you an example.
ePoolSupply Solutions:
Making it not only frustrating to us but more importantly to you as our customers. To combat this issue, we have since introduced a red pre-order button (seen in the picture below) used for any product that we do not have stocked in our warehouse and is not ready to be shipped out. Other online companies have been vague on this topic but still take orders for products they do not have without providing any of these details to their customers before or after the order is made. We believe in being completely transparent with our customers to build trust and a long-lasting relationship that can exceed the life of any pool. Now for those of you who may not understand what pre-order means (when it relates to eCommerce) here is how it works.
How Does it Work?
A pre-order allows customers to place an order for an item that is not yet released or in our case back-ordered by the manufacturer (Examples: Pentair, Caretaker, Paramount, and Blue Square). Retailers (like ourselves) will either charge the customer when the order is placed or once the item is shipped. We charge at the time your order is placed which will then put you in line (first come first serve basis) into our inventory software and saved accordingly. Once we receive the product you will be notified via email with tracking information that allows you to follow your package at any time as it makes its way to your door or mailbox. If too much time has passed since the order was placed or you can locate and purchase the product(s) elsewhere we are more than happy to cancel and fully refund the amount paid at any time.
In conclusion, for those of you who may have had any questions before reading this blog, I hope I was able to answer them and if you still have any questions remaining, please feel free to contact us. From all of us here at ePoolSupply thank you for your patience and understanding through these difficult times.