Troubleshooting For Polaris ATLAS XT

Troubleshooting For Polaris ATLAS XT

Mackenzie Stripe |

Welcome back, ePoolSupply supporters and followers! For today's blog, I want to go over some troubleshooting tips for the Polaris ATLAS XT (FSATLAS). I have added a picture of the cleaner below so you know exactly which pool cleaner I am going over. Keep on reading to learn how to troubleshoot your pool cleaner! 

The Cleaner Does Not Move or Moves Slowly 

If your cleaner is barely moving or not moving at all there is a checklist of things to look for. The first thing is to confirm the main drain is closed. Now you want to check the wheel speed to verify the proper flow. You will also want to make sure the cleaner is set to the right cleaner mode. Next, you will want to check to see if any interior teeth of the tracks are worn. If so, it is best to get new tracks to replace them. If you notice there is a lot of debris in your pool then you should clean out the filter and empty the pump basket. Also, clean out any debris that may be inside the cleaner. The last thing you can do is check for air in the system. If the water level in the pump basket drops or you see excessive air bubbles in the pump basket or coming from the return lines, there is air in the system. 

Cleaner Pattern Does Not Cover Entire Pool 

The first step is to confirm the proper hose length for your pool, the hose length should reach the farthest part of your pool with an additional 6 inches past the water line. The float should be approximately 9 inches from the cleaner head when installed on the leader hose. You should also make sure the hose is not kinked or coiled. The next thing is to count wheel rotations to verify proper flow. The next thing to ensure the return line fittings are directed downward, add a return diverter if necessary. The final step is to observe the cleaner for more than 5 minutes and ensure that each drive track is periodically reversing direction.

Cleaner Gets Stuck at Steps 

One of the first things you will want to do is observe the cleaner for more than 5 minutes and ensure that each drive track is periodically reversing direction. Now you will want to do is count wheel rotations to verify proper flow and confirm you have the proper hose length for your pool. The last thing you can do is to ensure the swivel on top of the cleaner rotates freely. 

Cleaner Won't Climb Walls 

For this issue, there is only a couple of things you can do to get this fixed. The first one is to count the wheel rotations to verify proper flow. The last step is to verify the hose the float is positioned approximately 9 inches from the cleaner. 

Cleaner is Riding On Its Side

The only thing you can do for this fix is to verify the hose float is positioned appropriately. 

If you are still having any problems with your cleaner after trying everything you can, then it is best to contact your local pool professional to come and check on your equipment. I have added a link to the manual right below and this will give you some more information.

Polaris ATLAS XT Manual