Updated Pool Care Maintenance Guide

Updated Pool Care Maintenance Guide

Mackenzie Stripe |

Welcome back, fellow ePoolSupply supporters! Today I wanted to tell you some essential pool care tips. Taking care of your pool is very important and should be maintained regularly. If you do not take care of your pool, it can result in expensive repairs. Your pool could also turn green from the build-up of algae. With proper maintenance and care, a clean pool can make you healthy. So to keep you and everybody else safe keep reading to learn how to maintain a healthy pool. 


  1. Empty the skimmer baskets 

Keeping the skimmer and pump baskets clear improves the water flow to the filter system.


  1. Adjust the jet returns 

Angling down and having the jet returns point in the same direction helps pushes the debris to the surface for the skimmers and also helps mix in the chemicals. 


  1. Run the filter and pump 

Running the system for 8-12 hours a day will help keep a good flow and keep your pool water clean and healthy.


  1. Monitor filter pressure 


The filter pressure is usually 10-20 PSI and should be back washed or cleaned when the PSI is high. 


  1. Skim the surface daily 

This will help stop the debris from sinking to the bottom and less to vacuum. It is best to skim with the flow of the water in a circular motion. 


  1. Brush and Vacuum weekly 

Brushing the walls, ladders, hard-to-reach areas, and even the “dead zones” will help keep algae from growing. Vacuuming will also help get all of the debris from the bottom and help prevent algae growth. Having an automatic pool cleaner will make the process easy and efficient.  If you have pop-up heads then you should not need a vacuum as the heads will push all the debris toward the drain. 



  1. Test the Water Weekly 

Using test strips to test the pool water is beneficial to keep your PH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels just right. It's essential to maintain water that is crystal clear and algae-free. It's also important to maintain a good balance of chemicals in your pool because improper water chemistry can cause damage to your pool and equipment

        2. Balance the Water

Alkalinity should be between 100-150 ppm and the ideal pH is 7.5. Keep in mind PH runs naturally high so alkalinity has less effect on the PH. Some helpful tips are if your alkalinity is low use some baking soda to raise it. Another tip is if your PH is high use some muriatic acid to lower it. Using a PH increaser or decreaser is always best to use to get the ideal range.

        3. Add Sanitizer Weekly 

Chlorine should be 1-3 ppm, bromine 4-6 ppm, and biguanide 30-50 ppm. These are the ideal levels for your water to have the proper amount of sanitizer. The sanitizer will remove any organics in your pool water and will help keep it balanced. 


In conclusion, maintaining your pool water is important and should be done regularly. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us or call a local pool professional to come out to take a look at your pool and make sure everything is in shape.