Welcome back fellow ePoolSupply supporters! Pool safety is very important to us here at ePoolSupply. We like to educate our customers with important information regarding their swimming pool and helpful technical tips to make informed, safe decisions. Pool safety ranges from special equipment to regulating chemical distribution, signage, and warnings to deter misbehavior or even physical barriers to prevent accidents. Keep on reading to learn how to keep yourself, your family, and your friends safe while swimming.
Pool Activity
Many people like to play dangerous pool games without realizing it is dangerous. Before playing pool games, think about all the ways you can make it safe for everybody. Running around the pool is the biggest mistake anybody can make. The edge of a pool is constantly getting wet and slippery, so when someone runs around the outside of the pool, there is a high chance they could slip and fall.
Supervision is the most important aspect of pool safety and also one of the easiest ways to prevent injuries and accidents. It can be tough to have your eyes on multiple children at once, especially if you are entertaining guests. Reminding everybody to be aware of their surroundings will help prevent accidents. Educate children on the importance of walking around the pool rather than running, and the dangers involved with horseplay.
Learn to Swim
Solid swimming skills are a must but do not assume you can let your guard down around anybody who says they know how to swim. This goes for adults and children alike, never assume that everyone is a strong swimmer. You can never be too careful with the lives of anyone who sets foot in or near your pool.
CPR Education
If an accident does occur in your pool, it is of the utmost importance to learn CPR. We highly recommend you, your family, and your friends take time to learn CPR as soon as possible. Not only is good to know when something happens at the pool but it can be useful anywhere you go. American Red Cross offers courses locally as well as online. The online course doesn't give you a certification, but it still teaches you the skills you need to save a life. Take the time to educate yourself so you are prepared for the worst. In the event of an emergency, it is important to have a well-furnished first aid kit handy. Make sure it includes sanitizing agents to kill bacteria, bandages to stop bleeding, as well as instant ice packs for minor sprains.
Enforce Pool Rules
To combat misbehavior, establish and enforce easy-to-follow rules for your pool and patio. Be sure that anyone who uses your pool is aware of your rules and know that everyone will need reminders from time to time.
Some good pool rules are:
- Do not enter head first unless in a pool that has a safe diving area
- Stay away from drains and other openings that cause suction
- Swim with a buddy
- Swim sober
Secure Your Pool
Installing a physical barrier around the pool will prevent unwanted entry and help keep everybody safe. When the pool is not in use, keep the gate locked for added security.
Some good pool safety equipment is:
- Fences
- Gate alarms
- Door alarms
- Pool alarms
- Safety covers
- Float lines
- Life preserver
- Pool safety hook
As you can see above, there are many factors that come together encompassing pool safety. By using the listed suggestions you can begin to analyze your current safety protocol and make adjustments. Taking steps toward pool safety will allow you and everyone else who uses your pool to do so with less worry and fear and that will just make it more enjoyable for everyone. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us!