Hello there, ePoolSupply blog enthusiasts and fellow swimmers! Today we are going to talk a little bit about one of the more important and commonly used items in majority of pools and bodies of water alike Chlorine. Chlorine has left an ambidextrous mark on the world. Our relationship with it is complicated to say the least. So, we want to give you all a little information and brief history of what it is and how it relates to our beloved industry.
Chlorine is something that is in most pools today. Chlorine is an element on the periodic table, has the ability to kill bacteria, and is used as a disinfectant. A small background on chlorine (according to rsc.org) is that it was discovered in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, and the name is derived from the Greek word 'chloros,' meaning greenish yellow. Although you can buy Chlorine, Chlorine in solid form and liquid, chlorine is a gas. About 20% of chlorine produced is used to make PVC, which is found in the plastic for plumbing, windows, blood bags, and other assets that are found in the field and in your homes.
Natural Abundance
Chlorine is an element that is not just found in nature. It must be extracted from other means and from other chemicals. Chlorine is typically found in other minerals such as the compound sodium chloride (NaCl) or known as table salt. Sodium chloride is a very soluble salt that has been leached into the oceans over the lifetime of the Earth. Several salt beds, or ‘lakes’ are found where ancient seas have evaporated, and these can be mined for chloride. According to ChlrorineInstitute.org, Most chlorine is manufactured electrolytically by the diaphragm, membrane, or mercury cell process. In each process, a salt solution (sodium or potassium chloride) is electrolyzed by the action of direct electric current which converts chloride ions to elemental chlorine. To explain, it requires other means to extract the chlorine element that we know today. 40 million tons of chlorine gas are made each year from the electrolysis of brine (sodium chloride solution). This process also produces useful sodium hydroxide.
Are There Different Forms of Chlorine?
Chlorine today is reconstructed to be a solid, liquid, and still used as a gas. When chlorine is used as a solid, the basic ingredient is calcium hypochlorite. These tabs can disinfect your pool against germs, algae, fungi, and other harmful variables that can live in water with the combined minerals. Liquid chlorine is a mixture of chlorine, water, and sodium hydroxide. The difference between the solid and liquid with your pool will determine the difference in the PH level the two can create.
Chlorine is beneficial for your pool. Keeping out the dangers that can lure in the water, the chlorine keeps all that in check and keeps you and your loved ones safe when swimming. Chlorine can be harmful, so we recommend making sure you are doing all you can for safety precautions. We hope you found the information in the blog useful. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly on any questions or concerns you may have as they relate to this matter. Our team of industry professionals are always happy to help you out. From all of us here at ePoolSupply thank you for reading along and keep on swimming!